Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Student Spotlight: Kelly Caprietta

Career Goal: Being in an industry in which my eyes and hands feel like they can make a change in someone's life and create a part of someone's dreams.

Why did you join the program? I joined the program to help empower me with knowledge about the construction industry.

What was the hardest part of the class? Attending the classes week after week while not having a job during the day.

What has been your favorite part of the experience? Seeing a project come together from start to finish - going from scratch to a finished project.

What are your hopes for the future? My hope for the future is to keep growing in the construction industry and then be able to pass on my knowledge to others who want to learn about construction.

What would you tell someone who is considering joining the program? The construction industry is not just a job - it is a craft. You have to have a love for all the hard work that comes with the industry too.

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